Retail sales in Mexico rose 2.4% in August
The sector chains eight months on the rise, according to data from El Instituto Nacional de Geografia y Estadística (Inegi).
Retail sales in Mexico remain on the rise. In August, retail sales in Mexico registered an increase of 2.4% compared to the previous month, when it fell 1.7%. The sector started the year up 0.9%. In February it noted a 2.5% rise and continued in March with a 0.8% increase, then grew 2.3% in April and continued up in May with a rise of 2.7%. In June and July, the sector rose 1.7%
Overall, the revenue from the supply of goods and services of the sector fell by 2.2% compared to the same month of the previous year. On the other hand, the expenditure of consumption of goods and services in the wholesale channel registered a fall in August of 2.6% compared to August of the previous year.
The sector began 2019 with a fall of 0.6% in January, in February it increased 1.6% but it fell back in March with 0.7%, however, it increased in April with 2.5% and in May , June and July remained stable, and an increased in August by 1.1%.
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