The showroom of 080 allies with the Coterie fair in New York
The representative of Fashion Coterie of New York has proposed Catalan brands that have exhibited in the Showroom of the 080 to participate in the next edition of the fair
Modacc takes Catalan fashion to New York. The Catalan Fashion Cluster (Modacc) has sealed a partnership with the New York Coterie fair to take the brands that have participated in the last edition of the 080 showroom to the next edition of the event. The agreement has been formalized within the framework of 080 Barcelona Fashion.
During the day there have been more than three hundred commercial interactions between foreign brands and buyers from all over the world. Among the agreements, stands out the alliance between the showroom and the Fashion Coterie in New York.
Susan Somerville, the representative of the American fair, has proposed to the fifteen brands that have been present in the showroom to participate in the next edition of the contest.
Modacc expects the revenue generated in this edition of the 080 Showroom to exceed two million euros (2.2 million dollars)
In parallel, brands such as Back to eco, Maggie Sweet, Yerse, Sita Murt or Scorpion have agreed that “it has been a very profitable edition and it has helped them to enter several new markets.” All of them have connected with international buyers that are expected to finalize in the upcoming days.
In total, about thirty international buyers from countries such as Japan, the United States, Canada, Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Poland, Croatia, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic were present at the event.
From Modacc’s part, they assure that “a good part of the success of the 080 Fashion Showroom is the revolution that the multibrand stores experience, which forces them to attract the attention of the consumer with a better selection of brands”. The agency expects the revenue generated in this edition to exceed two million euros (2.2 million dollars).
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