Rocket Internet signs Spanish manager Víctor Herrero for its emerging e-commerce board
Herrero, former CEO at Guess, will be non-executive director and chairman of the sustainability committee at Global Fashion Group.
Rocket Internet adds Spanish talent to its team. The company, which operates with Lamoda, Dafiti, Zalora and The Iconic, signed Víctor Herrero, former CEO of Guess, for the group’s managing board.
The executive has been appointed chairman of the board’s sustainability committee, according to Drapers. Global Fashion Group explained that the signing of Herrero will provide the group with more experience in fashion and “new ways of understanding customer insights.”
Herrero has a long professional career in the sector. The executive worked at Inditex for ten years as head of the Spanish giant’s business in Asia Pacific. In 2015, he became CEO at Guess, a position he held until last February.
Global Fashion Group, owner of Lamoda, Dafiti, Zalora and The Iconic, closed the year 2017 with a 23.5% increase in sales, to 1.09 billion euros. Its ebitda remained negative, with losses of 97.9 million euros, 30 million euros less than in 2016.
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